Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Smiley Guys

My sons; 4 month old Brandon in the larger picture and Cody, who is 16 now (where does the time go?). I love their cute little grins. They were both about the same age when the pictures were taken, right around 3 days old.
The kit is "Inner Storm" from Creative Victorian Designs.


  1. Hi, I thought I would stop by and thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. You have the start of a beautiful blog here! And your sscrapbook pages are great. I do all my layout in photoimpactx3 and have recently bought Paintshop Pro, which it sounds like you use. I haven't played around with it much, but it seems so much harder then PI to me.But I do have to learn it! stop by again, love to hear from people.
    Hugs Donna
